Pilots manufactured by CRA can be intermittent or continuous, heavy duty or small and with or without retraction capabilities. We offer self aspirating as well as forced air supply pilot burners.
Flame Front Generator is a highly robust, reliable, long lifetime and low maintenance system that offers economic advantages and an easy retrofit. We manufacture both automatic and manual systems that work with the metering and combining of an air and fuel gas combustion mixture in the ignition line. Our systems are available with Self-aspirating (Self-Inspirating) or forced air supply.
Electronic Ignition Systems utilise High Voltage Direct Ignition (HVDI) or High Energy Direct Ignition (HEDI) systems that are highly efficient, reliable and rugged. In HVDI systems, a high voltage spark is utilised to ignite hydrocarbon gases. In HEDI systems, a high energy capacitance discharge is used to ignite the hydrocarbon gases.

Petroleum refining & production flares
Biogas Flares
Steel Industry Flares